​​Wireless technology has progressed in the 15 years that we have been serving the Eastern Grant County and adjoining areas.  It has not been our ambition to grow geographically but to be the best we can be for the areas we serve. In the past year and a half things have really accelerated.  We are now installing two different types of equipment that will greatly enhance your internet experience.  We are installing equipment that will deliver 50 megs per customer, 10 times the speed that many enjoy now and 100 times the speed that we were able to deliver in some areas.  Most towers already have this equipment installed..  Some of the equipment is still line of sight meaning that trees hurt the signals and still don't reach all customers but is very fast and carries a lot of through-put.  We are also installing equipment that will penetrate trees which will reach most customers in the area of coverage of each location.  

In the fall of 2020 we recieved an OCRA grant that will greatly speed our deployment of 25-5 connections in unserved areas of Jefferson and Monroe Townships!  If you need internet give us a call, if we don't service your area now,  we soon will!  

This grant will allow us to run an additional 4 miles of fiber optic cable and allow us to give fiber along our fiber  areas!

Eastern Indiana Wifi Inc.